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Alias URL Shortener

Want to create Custom URL? or Private Links? Register Now!

how to use Alias URL Shortener as link shortener

  How to use Alias URL Shortener?

   - Enter the URL that you want to shorten and click on shorten.

   - Clicking the button takes you to a new page which shows the randomly generated shortlink.

   - Copy and share the shortlink.

   - If the shortlink is already in use, it asks you to create a new one.

Registered users can create Custom and Password Protected Shortlinks. Register Now!

benefits of alias link shortener


   Custom urls get 40% more clicks than long URLs.

    Private links - The links you create are public and can be accessed by anyone.
    Alias offers private links that are password protected so only people you want can access them.

    Safe Links - All the links are checked before the user is redirected so any malicious link is automatically blocked to protect the user from harm.

    Non expiring links - Links that you create are there forever. Share and embed links without any hesitation.

    Fast Redirects - Worried about shortlinks adding redirection time to your site speed?
    We have a redirection time of 0.6 seconds.

    Far better analytics - Alias URL Shortener lets registered users see analytics on the links like the number of clicks
and more on Google analytics.



link shorteners why are they important

  Why custom links matter?

   Custom urls get 40% more clicks than long URLs.

   - Generating meaningful shortlinks inspires trust which generates more engagements.

   - Let the users know what the shortlink is about, hence increasing the reach.

   - Every shortlink shows a preview that makes the shortlinks more secure.

With Alias URL Shortener you can create unlimited custom shorturls that are fast and secure. Register Now!

benifits of alias link shortener as url shortener

    Better Insights

      Get the number of clicks on every shortlink.

    - Creating links with Alias URL Shortener creates a campaign on Google Analytics
     that generates a far more better analytics than traditional URLs.

    - Better analytics helps in creating more informed brand awareness.

    - Alias URL Shortener takes away the guess work about the sources and helps you
     focus on sources generating more customers.